Helen Morrison c. 1950 (Before)

This is a picture of my beautiful grandma circa 1950. I have always loved the casualness of her pose in this picture. I believe my grandma was in her early to mid 20’s here, but without a date to reference, that is a guess on my part. My grandma used to share stories about her and her girlfriends riding the streetcar heading to the Sunnyside Pavillion for some dancing. It seems my grandma’s ‘dance card’ was always full, or so she loved to say. I did the major restorations and repairs of this photograph, and Bruce did the advanced reconstruction supervision, final touches and colourization. The original photo is so faded and is printed on a rag paper so it was really hard to see any of the details in her face or coat. As we took our time and worked on this one, it was so heartwarming to see my grandma at such a young age, come to life in colour before my eyes. She’s always been a beautiful woman, and I believe she is just that in this photo. Bruce and I are working on another photo of my grandma, and in this one she is posing with my grandpa. We’ll share that one too as soon as it is complete.