John Doe - Boy c. 1950 (Before)

John Doe - Boy c. 1950 (After)
Found on one of our outings in search of old photos with story, Bruce and I picked up this lovely little 3x3 black and white photo of this adorable lad. Aside from the obvious repair of the faded areas in the grass and on the boy’s legs/feet, there were a myriad of scratches and dust spots we saw that we could repair as well. The condition of this photo made it an ideal selection for us, and we decided to colourize this one bringing this boy more to life. I’m quite proud of our final result with this one - I did the major restorations and repairs of this photograph, and Bruce did the advanced reconstruction supervision, final touches and colourization. As we worked together on this one, it was wonderful to see his face in more detail, to see a richer capture of his expression and ultimately his character. I found working on this photo, that I developed a particular fondness for this little guy. While we don’t know this boy, he will remain a special restoration. This photo was one of a few antique and vintage photographs we picked up at the Forwarder's Antiques in Prescott (ON). By the way, if you haven’t checked out this antique shop - you definitely should!