Tilt no. 3 "Standing in a sea of the dead." Farmers use massive felling machines to pull trees from would be fields like plucking eyelashes from eyelids with tweezers. These two trees are left standing in a filed of the dead as they ready for a crop of golden corn.

Tilt no. 2 The Tree stool tall & proud, almost totally unaware of its posture in life & unaware of its companion down the road.

Moon over Iroquois Towering above like a cathedral with a delicate sliver moon.

Fire Dance A tall figure dances with fire around their belly, singing a mighty song.

Falls Final Days - 120 film

One in the Wind (South Dundas, Ontario - Digital

Shangri-La Cabins at Low Tide
They stand and look proud along the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. I enjoy following the lines along the grass to the trees & water.

Morning Trees in Fog These trees,as if suddenly, came to life & began their quiet parade or maybe it was a funeral.

Look Up "All around us we are watched." I enjoy photographing trees in abstract & unique ways. I took a break from photographing thees a few years ago, after someone close to me, a fellow photographer, made a very sharp, off-handed comment about Ansel Adams & tree photography - while I was flipping through a book of his & relating it to my work. I am slowly building up a passion again for observing & collecting photos of these tremendous spiritual plants.

Walking Through The Migratory Bird Sanctuary
Follow the lines down through the heart & into the soul. Keep looking, keep finding.