I wanted to take a moment to share something with my friends at viewbug. This photo is from my vault & was collected in early October, 2016 at the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary near Morrisburg, Ontario. This image was finalized as a photograph, February 17th 2022. I hope you enjoy it.
I have been pretty quiet these days because I have been working on a new studio project, something that I am very close to sharing with everyone. This project takes my work in a whole new direction & I am excited for feedback & to have it be seen. I have been very focused on learning a new skill for this project & I have been enjoying a lot of offline time to focus on my work & because that's part of my process but I wanted to let you know that I still look in on everyone's hard photographic work as well as vote & support in contests & competitions on viewbug. I am loving everyone's work. I can't wait to post more soon.
Be Safe, Be Well & keep shooting