1% (Occupy Toronto)
On October 25, 2011, I found myself amidst the Occupy Toronto movement, drawn to witness firsthand the unfolding narrative of the 1% protest. My lens sought not to capture the spectacle of conflict, but rather the quiet undercurrents of a community grappling with complex financial issues. The atmosphere was one of anticipation, a collective pause as individuals connected, conversed, and seemingly waited for a catalyst. I documented the faces in the crowd, the shared moments of dialogue, and the nascent sense of community that emerged. While the protest remained largely peaceful, an undercurrent of frustration and unease was palpable. My aim was not to focus on any single figure or faction, but to capture the breadth of the experience, the diverse perspectives, and the overall mood of the day. These photographs are not intended to provide easy answers or offer a singular interpretation of the 1% movement. Instead, they serve as a window into a moment of uncertainty and searching, a reflection of the confusion and unfocused communication surrounding the financial issues at the heart of the protest. It is my hope that this series brings viewers closer to understanding the complexities of that day, prompting reflection and deeper engagement with the ongoing conversation about economic disparity.
Toronto, a few years ago
A collection of Toronto photographs from 1995 to 2020
Rural Architecture & Design
Rural architecture, especially rural architecture fused with elements of decay fascinate me & draw my attention. These buildings appear to me like tombstones or markers indicating past stories & moments left behind for us to view. They appear to me like whispers from people long ago. 
A collection of portraits exploring romantic love.
Micro-expressions (Portrait Series)
Award winning portrait series exploring the expressions & feelings we try to hide
Senescence (Series)
'Senescence' captures, in 25 photographs, the process of life, reproduction, death, and decay before new growth. The story is told through expressive, abstract photography chronicling the life and death of an Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) in an intimate and poetic study symbolizing birth, death, and resurrection.
Friends found in the wild
Whispers (White Gladiolus - 120 Film)
Calm whispers from children long ago, like tissue paper popcorn.
Solomon's Seal (Series)
A quick study of Solomon's Seal
Sillystring Birthday
Such delicate worlds are created from the hands & minds of vibrant youth as the warm July sun beats down on their foreheads & necks. Their fingertips, dirty with play & adventure. (Used Silly String in a young girls hands).
Paper Design (Series)
A series exploring transformation & beauty of paper
Janet Session no. 2
A series of expressive portraits
Love + Together
Frozen Plastic (Series)
An abstract expression series exploring folded & crumpled plastic frozen to a block of ice
Urban Architecture & Design
Exploring architecture through minimal & abstract perspectives. I wish to capture the essence of someone else's design & creativity while challenging the viewer to see that design from other perspectives.  
Looking outward, feeling outbound .
Heavy Rain (Series)
Award winning nature series There was a heavy rain all weekend that covered everything in water. As the rain ended, the morning sunlight pushed through the misty clouds creating this silvery light. 
Fall Apples (Series)
Apples sit in painterly light on Dundas street in Toronto, Ontario. I photographed these beautiful apples in 2012 & felt inspired for the 1st time - September, 2020. This is an example of how I like to let photographs sit for a while before I do anything with them. 
Janet (Lighting Study in Fine Art)
Collections (Series)
I am a collector of many things; Matchbooks, cameras, vinyl records, The Simpsons TV series toys, books, moments in time, emotions, experiences & old magazines just to name a few. These are a few of my collections expressed as a series of still life photographs. Collecting things provides me with a sense of unity, control, progress & refinement. 
Stillness (Series)
These objects, these delicate flowers are fleeting, are transformative. They are not special or above anything else in this world. They are however, stunning & are to be adored for as long as possible. Minimalism using blacks & shadows to create the mood. I was inspired by a classic 90s goth vibe, perhaps something funeral. I wanted the rose & vase to look as if they were made of stone.
Clouds over South Dundas
Fumbling & rolling through our open lives, creating shade, comfort & drawing rain where we need it. Watching clouds is watching God's work in motion. 
In the Shade
Shadows Form & Travel Across Time (Series)
Exploring Ottawa as a visual poem examining themes of shadow, light & the passage of time.
Dead Flowers in Still Life
A series exploring beauty & arrangement in death
Aged Brands (Series)
This series explores antique bottles, boxes & containers &  explores what time & age does to the label, glass, logo & brand. 
Toronto, Ontario on Film (Series)
This series explores the city of Toronto, Ontario from the period 2016 to 2020. This series is a visual diary & creative expression created while I walked the streets of my hometown. 
Janet In Natural Sunlight
Calm + Real + Honest + Beautiful
Sketches, Photography (Series)
Applications: Still Life photography, Commercial photography, Product photography, Prints, Social Media Content & Branding, Asset photography, Fine Art, Exhibitions & Series & Corporate art.
Ottawa, Ontario & area on film (Series)
Applications: Street Photography, Journalism, Magazines, Publications, & Fine Art Exhibits
Shadow & Light
Applications: Still Life photography, Commercial photography, Product photography, Prints, Social Media Content & Branding, Asset photography, Fine Art, Exhibitions & Series & Corporate art.
Death Comes but Once
A series exploring beauty & the aesthetics of death
Dead Tulip in Snow
Phases (Series)
This photo is part of a series of photos that explores perspective, surrealism, minimalism  & abstraction using light & shadow.
Tangerine Dreams (Series)
- Curating my life with design, history & beauty. Inspiring my heart. Applications: Commercial, Fine Art Prints, Exhibitions & Series, Corporate Art, Marketing, Social Media Content & Branding. - 120 film
Trees (Series)
A moment to reflect on such beauty that we often take for granted. Trees are ancient, grand & have remarkable personalities worth studying & photographing.
Sun & Ice (Series)
The sun illuminates frozen patterns on glass. Each morning, deep in the winter months, ice forms on a glass door. Each patter is different, changing morning after morning, communicating a type of music or maybe a dance. This photographs were taken in 2012 & developed & edited in late 2020 as part of my creative process of letting photographs sit for sometime before developing them.
Pure (Series)
Abstract details of folded fabric
Moth Orchid (Series)
There is something beautiful & unsettling about the Moth Orchid. - Medium format film & 135 film. 2019
Glass (Series)
Such beautiful & unique form & light. - Digital photography, 2019
Coffee Beans (Series)
I wanted to do a fun closeup study of the coffee bean. - Curating my life with things people enjoy, like drinking coffee. Applications: Commercial, Fine Art Prints, Product Photography, Exhibitions & Series, Corporate Art, Asset Photography, Social Media Content & Branding.
Face The Sun
Light breaks through the dark clouds & a young face opens up to greet the warm energy.
Faces Fade no. 1
I keep dreaming of what you used to look like. I try to remember the details, the little things but all I can remember is this feeling I have when I look at you. - Inspiring my heart & memories. Applications: Commercial, Fine Art Prints, Exhibitions & Series, Corporate Art, Asset Photography, Social Media Content & Branding.
Polished. - Medium format film  -2019
Kingston, Ontario on film (Series)
Eastern Ontario - photographing on an on-going basis a region located between Ottawa, Kingston, the Ontario/Quebec border & the St. Lawrence River. I began photographing this region after I left Toronto. Medium format, 135 film Kingston, ON & surrounding area (2017-2018) I am drawn to photograph this area's forested landscape & its rich Canadian penal system history that Kingston is trying to re-shape. 
Streets from the Past
Footsteps echo the past
Iroquois, Ontario
Eastern Ontario - photographing on an on-going basis a region located between Ottawa, Kingston, the Ontario/Quebec border & the St. Lawrence River. I began photographing this region after I left toronto.
Prescott & area
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